History of Majlis Ansarullah, USA
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) formed a number of auxiliary organizations to promote the spirit of moral excellence of members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. These organizations were established to provide a specific framework for the ethical and religious education and training of different groups based on age and gender. Majlis Ansarullah (helpers of Allah) was formed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) in 1940; its members comprise all male Ahmadi Muslims over the age of 40. (Click here to see a PDF document that describes significance of the flag of Majlis Ansarullah)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) outlined goals for the auxiliaries in these words (Al-Fazl, October 11, 1944):
“We have to reform the whole world. We have to bring the entire world to bow before God Almighty. Bring the entire world under the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Establish the kingdom of God all over the world. But this grand task cannot be performed until all members of our community – children, youth, or elderly – organize themselves internally and follow this code of conduct day and night... For this internal improvement and completion of organization, I have established the auxiliary organizations of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Ansarullah, and Atfalul Ahmadiyya."
Originally, the Ansarullah Majalis (chapters) all over the world were under the supervision of Sadr Majlis Ansarullah with its head offices at the Center, first in Qadian and then in Rabwah. The Head of Ansarullah in each country was called Nazim-i-A‘la or Za'im-e-A‘la. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him), announced in his Friday Sermon delivered on November 3, 1989, that in the future, Khalifatul Masih would himself supervise all auxiliary organizations. He also mentioned that all over the world and at the national level, the heads of the auxiliary organizations would be designated as Sadr (President).
Presidents of Majlis Ansarullah, USA
Majlis Ansarullah in the USA was established in 1981. In the USA, the following members have served as Za'im A'la/Sadr. You can read about the respected presidents by clicking on their pictures.
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The current total membership of Majlis Ansarullah, USA is 2,300. Of these, 480 are musian (plural of moosi, one who participate in nizam-i-Wasiyyat) and another 45 have submitted their application for Wasiyyat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his support) made a historic appeal for new musian in 2004. In response to that appeal, 350 members have applied for the Wasiyyat since August 2004.
Majlis Ansarullah has 67 established chapters in 71 Jama‘ats. Four Jama‘ats do not have sufficient number of Ansar to form a Majlis (at least three dues paying members).
The entire US is divided into twelve regions (with approximately 200 members per region) and each region has a nazim who is responsible for facilitating management of the Majlis’s affairs at the regional level. Nazimin (plural of nazim) are appointed by the Sadr, however, elections for the zu‘ama (plural of za’im meaning local president) are held every two years.
Majlis Ansarullah has developed a website (http://www.ansarusa.org) which has been in use since 2000. This site has two sections: one open to the public and the other password- protected for administrative purposes.
The National Annual Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah, USA has been held every year since 1982. There were 12 attendees at the first national ijtima. Attendance at the 2011 national ijtima was more than 450. Besides the National Annual Ijtima, several local and regional Ijtima'at (plural of ijtima) have also been held regularly. The first Majlis Shura (consultative body meeting) of the Majlis Ansarullah, USA was held in 1993 and since then Majlis Shura has been held every year.
Comprehensive programs are prepared every year for each department and these programs are provided to zu’ama at the beginning of the year at the Ansar Leadership Conference (ALC). The ALC has been held every year since 2000.
In 1992, Fazal Ahmad, then Za'im A'la Majlis Ansarullah, USA, formally started a magazine for Majlis Ansarullah, USA and named it `Al-Nahl’ based on chapter Al-Nahl in the Holy Qur'an (one issue of Al-Nahl was published before 1992). “Nahl” means honey bee. The bee does not care about its age; it continues to carry out its assigned task until its last breath. The obvious thought behind this name was that Ansar should follow the example of the honey bee, regardless of their age, that is, to keep working till their last breath. By the Grace of Almighty Allah, Al-Nahl has been published regularly since then and is mailed to every member free of charge.
The following special issues of the magazine have been published:
- Centenary of the fulfillment of the prophecy of solar and lunar eclipses.
- Baitur Rahman Mosque Issue at the occasion of inauguration of the Mosque.
- Khilafat Issue.
- Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (may Allah be pleased with him) issue.
- Philosophy of the teachings of Islam issue.
- Professor Sir Dr. Abdus Salam issue (320 pages).
- Wasiyyat issue (112 pages)
- “Year in Review” issues have been published every year since 2004.
The other publication activities are as follows:
- A monthly newsletter called ‘Ansarullah News,’ was started in January, 1995. By the grace of Allah, the newsletter has since been regularly published. The Newsletter is sent to all members free of charge. both in electronic and paper format.
- A small booklet “Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in the Bible.”
- “Letter to a Dear One” by Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrullah Khan.
A Prayer poster with photographs depicting all postures and positions of the prescribed prayer service, with Arabic text, English transliteration and English translation of prayers set in different colors for easy identification was published in 1995. The tarbiyyat (moral training) department of the UK Jama'at purchased 500 prayer posters charts. Seeing the poster, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) commented:
"Jazakumullah for the prayer poster that you have compiled. It was delightful, Maasha’Allah, and very useful. Here in the UK it will be utilized to our benefit."
Due to large demand, this poster has been published twice.
- A children's book, Razzaq and Farida, written Dr. Yusef A. Lateef, was published in 1997.
- The books "Synopsis of Religious Preaching, Part I and II" by Maulana Ata Ullah Kaleem were reprinted in one volume.
- "Approaching the West" by Mubasher Ahmad, M.A., LLB
- A collection of Ahadith, Words of Wisdom, with Arabic text, its English transliteration and Urdu and English translation has been published.
- Majlis Ansarullah, USA translated into English and published a book “Inspiring Events in the Field of Tabligh” originally published in Urdu by Imam Ataul Majeeb Rashid.
- "Why Islam is my choice" - Personal Accounts of Spiritual Journeys of individuals who have converted to Islam.
- Published several flyers in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
- "Wonderful prayers from the Holy Qur’an", a pocket size booklet has been published twice and is provided free.
- Pocket size “Ten Conditions of ba’ait” have been printed twice and are made available free.
- Prayers for Khilafat Centenary were collated and printed and distributed free of charge.
- “Forty Gems of Beauty” was re-printed after adjusting spellings for the US audience.
- Hemoepathic Remedies, translation of an Urdu booklet.
- "Points to Ponder" - short stories narrated by the companions of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him)
- On May 25, 2003 Majlis Ansarullah installed a trailer at Baitur-Rahman Mosque premises to serve as the national office, meeting room, and book store.
In 2007 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his support) approved building of Ansarullah Hall as part of Baitur Rahman Mosque expansion. Building of the Ansar hall was recommended by the Majlis Shura of 1996. This proposal was approved by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) in 1998. Majlis Ansarullah contributed $500,000 towards Baitur Rahman Mosque expansion. Ansarullah hall was inaugurated on October 16, 2009, Alhamdolillah.
Majlis Ansarullah is making a special effort to visit small towns. This effort was initiated in response to a directive given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his support) that tabligh efforts should focus on small towns and villages. Since 2009, members visited more than 800 small towns across the US. Members continue to meet with city officials and distributed Jama’at literature.
Educational programs pay special attention to proper recitation of the Holy Qur’an as well as reading and study of the books of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). Two tests based on the education syllabus are conducted every year. In 1997, only 31 (2%) members participated in the first test for that year, while more than 810 members participated in 2012 (33%).
The moral training program is focusing on creating and maintaining salat centers, activating inactive Ansar, and addressing social and cultural issues in Majalis. The Majlis is emphasizing the Importance of:- Offering salat in congregation,
- Regular recitation of the Holy Qur’an,
- Becoming role models for family members and children,
- Establishing strong affiliation with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and the Jama’at, and
- Joining the Nizam-e-wasiyyat (institution of the Will).
Majlis Ansarullah continues to provide homeopathic kits as well as replenish existing kits. This program was initiated in 2002 and to date the total number of homeopathy kits supplied to various Majalis is 39. During 2009 approximately 2200 patients received homeopathic remedies.
The Ansar Tahir Scholarship Program was initiated in 2005 to help Ansar further their education or acquire new skills to enhance employability. Since the inception of this program, several scholarships totaling $70,000 have been awarded.
- Majlis Ansarullah continues to provide a Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) dish and receiver system or MTABox to those Ansar who cannot afford to purchase one. This program was initiated in 1994.
- Majlis Ansarullah continues to support various projects that provide food/clothes to the needy in various areas.
- Majlis Ansarullah also continues to assist needy members financially.
Income Budget/Collection for financial sacrifices of Majlis Ansarullah continues to be strong both for Majlis Ansarullah and in support of the Jama’at system. Some of the funds mentioned below may not have been collected due to the direct effort of the Majlis Ansarullah, nevertheless, significant collections for these funds would not have been possible without contribution by Ansar members. Contributions for two major initiative were:
- Tahir Heart Institute $ 2,010,466.30
- UK Jalsa Gah $115,000.00
Other notable efforts:
- Purchased 100 chairs at the time of the inauguration of Baitur Rahman Mosque in Silver Springs, MD. These chairs are still in use at the mosque.
- In 2009 contributed $76,000 to install hundreds of water wells in Africa.
- "Bicycles for Africa" scheme was initiated in 2010. Under this initiative 350 bicycles and 20 tricycles were donated to Burkina Faso on April 14, 2011 with total contribution of $38,000.
- Provided funds ($80,000) to establish model villages in Sierra Leon (Project: provide electricity using solar technology to 6 villages)
- Plan to provide funds ($400,000) to purchase Mosque/Mission House in Haiti.
- Plan to provide funds ($40,000) to purchase a water-well drilling truck for use in Burkina Faso.