Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa
Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, USA
Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa, son of Chaudhry Muhammad Abdullah Bajwa (Advocate), was born in 1952, in Karachi, Pakistan. He has three brothers and a sister. His grandfather, Chaudhry Muhammad Hussain Bajwa (Wasiyyat Number 7) of Talwandi Anayat Khan, Tahseel Pasrur, Sialkot, Pakistan, was the first person in the family to accept Ahmadiyyat at the hands of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him).
Wajeeh is married to Anisa Bushra Salam Bajwa, daughter of Professor Sir Abdus Salam (Nobel Laureate in Physics 1979). They are blessed with four children, three sons, and a daughter (the youngest son being a Waqfe Nau child) and a granddaughter, also a Waqfe Nau child. In his younger days he played cricket (in a University Team), soccer, and table tennis. His hobbies include gardening, computers, and do-it-yourself projects.
Wajeeh earned his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Glasgow in 1981. He then spent seven years doing two post-doctoral fellowships in Switzerland and one post-doctoral fellowship at the Hershey Medical Center, PA. In 1987, Wajeeh joined a Biotechnology company in Michigan. He joined Duke University Medical Center in 1998 as Research Subject Advocate and Regulatory Consultant. He was the founding member of the Society of the Research Subject Advocates which was formed in 2002 and served on the Executive Board of this organization till 2014. He was elected President of this organization for 2006-2008 term. In 2008, he joined the Clinical and Translation Science Institute, University of Florida as Director of Regulatory Affairs.
Wajeeh held his first Jama‘at/Auxiliary office at the age of 13 in Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan. Since then he has held several offices at local and national levels. He was also a member of the International Computer Committee, formed in 1991, by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah shower His mercy upon him), to assess Jama‘at’s computer needs and requirements. Some of his recent services include:
2010 to 2019 | President, Orlando Jama‘at | 2006 to 2013 | Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah, USA | 2001 – 2005 | President, Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists, USA | 2000 – 2005 | Qa’id ‘Umumi, Majlis Ansarullah, USA | 1995 – 2008 | President, Research Triangle Jama‘at | 1995 – 1998 | National Satellite Fund Secretary, USA | 1992 – 1994 | Na’ib Sadr, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, USA | 1991 – 1993 | General Secretary, Detroit Jama‘at | 1990 – 1991 | Na’ib Officer, Jalsa Salana, USA | 1989 – 1991 | Qa’id, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Detroit (Majlis won ‘Alam-i-In‘ami.) |