Who is Coming to the National Ijtima?
Total registrants SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'ansarusa_dru1.webform_views_2018_ijtima_registration_' doesn't exist
Number of Registrants by Majlis
No. | Majlis | Number of Registrants |
Number of Registrants by Region
No. | Region | Number of Registrants |
1 | Central East | 0 |
2 | Central West | 0 |
3 | Chicago | 0 |
4 | Great Lakes | 0 |
5 | Gulf States | 0 |
6 | Headquarter | 0 |
7 | Midwest | 0 |
8 | Northeast | 0 |
9 | Northwest | 0 |
10 | New York | 0 |
11 | Southeast | 0 |
12 | Southwest | 0 |
13 | Virginia | 0 |
14 | Other | 0 |
Brothers who have registered for the Ijtima
No. | Guest | Maljis |