A Message from Sadr Majlis
Dear Ansar Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
Some brothers living within driving distance of National Ijtima venue have asked if Majlis Ansarullah can provide financial help (subsidy) to rent cars/vans for Ijtima travel.
The short answer is Yes. We do not want anyone to miss the Ijtima due to financial barriers.
But allow me to also reiterate the spirit of sacrifice. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper), in his Friday sermon of June 22, 2012, stated: "If everyone who possesses a car—that they utilize for worldly matters—uses it for gaining God’s pleasure, then the purpose of these vehicles will become the service of Islam and the individual will gain both worldly and religious rewards."
There is special kind of "insurance"—a protection—that comes from driving our cars/vans in the way of Allah my brothers. Our respected sisters, I trust, have no less Taqwa than our men. Let's ask them politely: "Can I take your car/van to the Ijtima this next week? This way we will put our vehicles to Allah's work so He remembers us when we need Him."
If for whatever reason you are unsuccessful and still need to rent a car/van, then just follow the guidelines and Insha’allah we will approve all reasonable rental subsidy requests.
Looking forward to meeting all of you Insha’allah. Be the 1 of 313...all the way!
Faheem Younus Qureshi
Serving Majlis Ansarullah, USA