Remembering a Gentle Soul,
Ahmed Abdul Hameed
Ahmed Abdul Hameed passed away on July 6, 2016 in Maryland, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un. He was a devout Ahmadi Muslim, a loving father, a responsible husband, and a friend to many. He was born in Hyderabad Deccan, India where he served as Qa’id Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. From there, life took him to Saudi Arabia where he was entrusted to be the President of Dammam Jama’at. Over 20 years ago, he dedicated himself to serving MTA USA at Baitur-Rahman Mosque. He also served as the Secretary Wasaya in Silver Spring Jama’at.
Abdul Hameed Sahib—as we lovingly called him—was a man of ideas. From what kind of speech topics we should select to where we should place the portable bathrooms at Ijtima, he knew it. “We should have more discussions about Rishta Nata. Let fathers talk to each other about their children of marriageable age.” he once advised me.
A few days before his demise, when he was on hospice, I was fortunate to visit him at home with two other Ansar of Baltimore Majlis. Despite being deeply jaundiced and physically exhausted, he was sharp. “Dr. Sahib, I have always read the works of Hazrat Masih Mau’ud (alaihissalam) and found them flawless.” he said, “but lately when I read them, I find Huzoor’s words to be very powerful.” “Very powerful” he emphasized by shutting his eyes and making a fist of his right hand.
One measure of the goodness of a tree is the fruit it leaves behind. Allah blessed Late Ahmad Abdul Hameed and his wife, Sabiha Banu with six children (Abdul Shukoor Ahmed, Abdul Rafeeq Ahmed, Mansora Shaheen, Abdul Noor Ahmed, Zakia Mubarika, and Abdul Hadi Ahmed) and 19 grandchildren. He remained devoted to Khilafat and urged his children to do the same.
His final days, Alhamdulillah, were spent in fervent prayer in the holy month of Ramadan with his family. On July 6th, he peacefully passed away at home. His funeral Prayer was offered at Masjid Baitur-Rahman Mosque, Silver Spring, MD, on July 8, 2016.
His youngest son, Abdul Hadi Ahmad currently serves as Mu’awin Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, USA. While his oldest son, Abdul Shukoor Ahmad has previously served as Na’ib Sadr Saff Dom, Majlis Ansarullah, USA. Both of them flew over to India to fulfill one last wish of their beloved father.
A few days ago, a friend shared a picture of both of these brothers, wearing grey and white Topis, spreading dirt at the freshly made grave of their beloved father in Qadian, where respected Ahmad Abdul Hameed was buried. May Almighty Allah elevate his status in paradise and grant his family strength to bear this loss with steadfastness, patience, and fortitude, Ameen.