Goals and Objectives

Key Goals and Objectives – 2014

Visit 15 Majalis to improve their performance.Na’ib Sadr Awwal
Increase Ansar attendance in general monthly meetings to 1000.Qa'id Umumi
1000 families to offer congregational Salat twice a week.Qa’id Tarbiyat
Support Jama’at Tabligh campaigns.Qa’id Tablīgh
Increase participation of Ansar in educational tests to 1000.Qa’id Ta'lim
Help 100 immigrants and general members find jobs.Qa’id Social Services
Increase number to Ansar dues-paying members to 2000. Qa’id Mal
500+ members to memorize the prescribed syllabus verses. Qa'id Ta’līmul Qar’an
Bring 15 members to Jalsah Salanah USA.Qa’id Training of New Members
Aim for 2000 participants in Tahrik Jadid and Waqf Jadid schemes.Respective Qa’ideen
Update 1000 members' records with professions.Qa’id Tajnid
Publish 2 e-newsletters and print newsletter every month.Qa’id Publication
Provide physician services to Jama'at members.Qa’id Health
Audit 50 Majalis.Auditor
Visit each Majlis in the region.Nazimin