National Ijtima 2024 Registration

National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah, USA
Ijtema: Oct 5-6, 2024
Baitur Rahman Mosque, Silver Spring, MD

If this field is highlighted this AMI code is already registered. Click on Ijtima Portal link above and look up your name on Registrants List page. If you do not have a USA Jama’at AMI code, please use the last 5 digits of you phone number.

*** If you are a Shura delegate, please make travel arrangements to arrive on the evening of the 3rd as Shura will start in the morning of the 4th. ***

★★★  I understand that I need to provide my travel details using the Transportation Request Form.

Answer the following two questions ONLY if you are traveling by air (if you are not flying, please bring your own sleeping gear).